Project Cargo & Project Forwarding

Project cargo logistics mean is:

Project cargo, or project freight logistics, is a special type of freight shipping that suggests moving high-volume and high-price freight. Sometimes, project cargo is so complex to arrange that it requires changing the infrastructure, combination of modes, handling equipment, specific time frames, and other intricate requirements.

Project freight can be national or global. The main difference in project cargo logistics from regular shipments is the unusual amounts and types of freight. Typically mining, oil and gas, and building industries are heavily saturated with project cargo shipments.

Project cargo shipping can consist of single or multiple shipments, use several transportation modes, and cover a rather high value of cargo. Essentially, such type of logistics requires precise planning and logistics experts to be executed properly and on-time.

What do project cargo forwarders do?

People who plan and manage project cargo logistics must have a high level of industry expertise and connections. It requires the highest possible level of management skills due to the complexity of operations. Apart from that, the project freight forwarders must have exceptional communication skills to efficiently connect vendors, suppliers, shippers, and others involved in the supply chain. Ultimately, the project cargo forwarder needs to arrange the work among all people and polish processes.

How to handle project freight transportation management?

Advanced planning

Planning is crucial, the most important step in project freight logistics management. From securing capacity and equipment to risk management, every link of project cargo matters. Apart from successful operations, proper planning can significantly reduce costs and eliminate risks during the transportation process.


Risk management takes a prominent place in arranging project cargo as well. There’s always a chance that something might go wrong, especially in such a complex supply chain. Thinking out all the possible outcomes and pitfalls in the process of transportation and project logistics is key to a smooth project finish.

Execution and compliance

Obviously, the execution process must be as precise and organized as the planning. Once all of the strategy work is done, it’s time to move to practice. Customs, compliance, paperwork, and tracking must be organized, collected and managed properly. Maintaining clear communication, complete transparency, and liability will help execute the project cargo logistics excellently.

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